First EDEM Employment and Internship Fair


Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods was present at the 1st Employment and Internship Fair organised by EDEM, the School of Entrepreneurship located in Valencia. The aim of this fair was to offer job opportunities to the more than 700 students at the centre, which works, with great success, to promote entrepreneurship, a culture of effort and leadership.
EDEM is a School of Entrepreneurship constituted as a private non-profit Foundation. Its mission is to train business people, managers and entrepreneurs and to promote leadership, the entrepreneurial spirit and the culture of effort. It aims to be a vehicle for the transmission of knowledge and successful experiences. EDEM is backed by more than 10 years of experience in business training and the quality of its training programmes. Its University Centre, attached to the « Universitat de València » and the « Universitat Politècnica de València », aims to instil values, good professional practices and entrepreneurial spirit among young people through its Degrees and Postgraduates.

We welcome their students!



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