Helping young people to enter the job market at the University of Valencia Employment Forum


We participated for another year in the Employment Forum organised by the University of Valencia. This is an event that is held every year to facilitate face-to-face contact between companies and students, with the aim of promoting quality employment and offering job opportunities and/or professional improvement to young people. We also hold round tables to make ourselves known and inform about the professional profiles we demand, as a way of looking for new highly qualified workers to incorporate into our companies while helping young people (undergraduates and graduates) in their labour market insertion and facilitating their entry into the world of work when they have recently finished their studies or are about to do so.

The joint objectives we have with the University Employment Forum are:

– To promote a meeting point between the different parties around the labour market.

– To exchange information about the labour market

– To facilitate the integration of students into the labour market

– To adapt university profiles to the needs of companies.

– To inform students of the skills and aptitudes of interest to companies

– To present entrepreneurship and self-employment as a professional option.

We remain committed to the talent and employability of our young people


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