Joining the Med Diet Declaration, for the best Diet in the world


A few weeks ago we told you that, at the Barcelona 2022 Alimentaria Fair, we were awarded a prize by the Mediterranean Diet Foundation for our contribution to the dissemination and promotion of the Mediterranean diet in the 60 countries in which we market our products.

Today, we are taking another step forward in its defence with the aim of collaborating with them and supporting them as much as possible, and we are adhering to the Med Diet declaration, sponsored by the EU, which implies a commitment to promote and preserve its values as we have been doing.

This project is part of the Interreg MED programme, aims to give visibility to the Diet in all sectors (agriculture, food production, health, culture, sport, education, economy, tourism, rural development and sustainability) and is co-financed by the European Fund for Rural Development. The last one promotes the values, knowledge and traditions of fishing, agriculture and livestock farming in Mediterranean countries.

Defending, preserving and promoting the Mediterranean Diet


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