All together to do all we can to help those affected by the Dana disaster


From Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods we express our heartfelt condolences and support to the people affected by the Dana.

The entire Group is actively collaborating from the very first moment to support Valencia in this extraordinary situation. Our facilities in the area have become a Field Kitchen and more than 20,000 rations (meatballs, macaroni, chicken, croquettes…) have been prepared during the weekend of 1st, 2nd and 3rd November, and have been delivered to the most affected areas.

Thanks to all our team, such as our sausage centres in Girona for their work to donate some 10,000 products during these days, but especially to each and every one of the people at our facilities in Cheste (Valencia) who are putting solidarity at the centre and joining forces with our partners, with Ricard Camarena Ivars, and with non-profit organisations to guarantee access to food.

Thanks to everyone, today more than ever our motto ‘JuntosSomosMejor’ (Together We Are Better) is tangible

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