Creu Roja a Catalunya & Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods


The president of Creu Roja a Catalunya, Josep Quitet Torner, and his management team, visited our facilities to award us with a diploma in recognition of our constant support for the social inclusion of disadvantaged people. This fact makes us very proud because La Creu Roja a Catalunya, and its more than 20,000 people who volunteer in the institution, works every day to help with the problems of today’s society and to respond to the growing human needs, such as social inclusion (as we have already mentioned), employment, relief, health, education, environment or international events.

At Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods, to help them in their great work, we continue to make regular donations of cured and processed products to collaborate with the humanitarian organisation and make financial contributions to support their actions in the face of natural or military disasters.

Our commitment to people and society

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