“SmartFarm”, our research project on Salmonella prevention


At Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods we are constantly working to improve food safety and the quality of all our processes and products. Proof of this is the joint research we are carrying out together with the GAIKER Centro Tecnológico, Laboratorios Aralab and the granja Agas for the prevention of Salmonella.

This joint research is under the name of the “Smartfarm” project and seeks to develop a quick and easy-to-apply kit for the preventive detection of Salmonella (the bacterium that causes the second most common food-borne gastrointestinal disease in the world, salmonellosis) by analysing the critical points of meat facilities.

This project will run until the end of 2022 and consists of three different phases. The first phase is based on the identification of samples and the sampling plan, the second phase deals with the development of the genetic detection system to detect Salmonella, and the third phase is based on the verification and adaptation of the developed technology for its integration into the management plan.

The process of this research can be extended to other pathogenic microorganisms in order to improve the overall self-monitoring of the production processes of the companies in the sector and to increase prevention in the facilities.


This joint research is under the name of the “Smartfarm” project and aims to develop a quick and easy to apply kit for preventive detection of Salmonella.

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