Children’s Christmas drawing contest for Three Kings’ Eve


On the most magical night of the year, 5 January, our traditional children’s Christmas drawing competition for the children of the people who work in our teams is back for another year. This is one of the most emotional initiatives of our Costa Brava & Family organisation, an affinity group for minorities that promotes social inclusion and acceptance in the company and supports all employees through different actions and gatherings.

In this annual drawing exhibition, the youngest members of our workers’ families try to reflect in a drawing what these dates mean to them, i.e. the drawings have a clear Christmas theme. There are 5 categories, 5 different age groups within the participation (from 1 to 3 years old, from 4 to 6, from 7 to 9, from 10 to 12 and from 13-14 years old).

Click here to watch the Christmas video of the drawing contest. We wish you a happy and amazing Three Kings’ Eve.

May the magic of Christmas reach every home


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