« Dieta Mediterránea 2022 » Award for Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods


The Mediterranean Diet Foundation has awarded us with the  » Mediterranean Diet 2022″ Award for our contribution to the dissemination and promotion of gastronomy and the Mediterranean diet in the 60 countries in which we market our products. This foundation, as its name suggests, is an organisation that promotes the values of the Mediterranean Diet, its products, the healthy lifestyle it represents, which is both socially viable and environmentally friendly, and to this end it collaborates with other institutions, research centres, universities, companies, producers and both national and international entities that are in line with its values.

The Foundation is made up of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Spanish Food Agency, governments and institutions of the autonomous communities, universities and private companies.

The award ceremony was held at Alimentaria Barcelona 2022, during the XIII Mediterranean Diet Congress.

Many thanks to the Foundation, and to all the organisations that make it up, for their trust and for awarding us this recognition that means so much to us as food experts



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