Happy New Year to all our friends in China!


Today we would like to congratulate all our friends in China, who are entering their year of the Tiger with all the positive energy that this animal radiates in their mythology. All the best to our partners in this colossal country, with which we have had a close commercial and personal relationship since 2008 and, of course, to our consumers.
On this occasion, we would like to tell you a bit about this great country and its citizens so that you can get to know this interesting culture and mentality a little better and understand our friendly attitude towards it. These factors, among others, can give you an idea of the mentality of a country with people who work and cooperate as a block to reach together to accomplish the achievements they set out to achieve and are already achieving.
China is a bright and hard-working country that is constantly evolving. In general terms, it can be said that its inhabitants have a constant eagerness to learn and undertake, they diversify as much as possible by opening new businesses when the previous one starts to work, as this provides them with more stability in the long term. They have no qualms about closing businesses quickly if they don’t work out, they don’t take it as a personal failure and they don’t get into too much debt to try to make something work that doesn’t seem to be destined to do so. They practice healthy competition and are happy when businesses like theirs open nearby, even though it may be seen as direct competition due to proximity, as they take it as a compliment and work to ensure that consumers have the need to go to both locations and to create more customer traffic. They are good savers, if they have a clear goal they don’t mind making sacrifices when it comes to saving to achieve it… and we could go on like this all day long.

Following these people with such admirable facets, this year we will use the power of the Tiger to overcome the next challenges together: Let’s toast for the understanding between cultures and for a healthy and shared gastronomy!

If you want to know more about this fantastic culture, you can find Chinese recipes with our products at our Instagram: @CostaBravaMediterraneanFoods – Instagram


Let’s toast for the understanding between cultures and for a healthy and shared gastronomy!


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