Our solidarity with the initiative « Quiero Corredor »


We show our solidarity with the « I Want Corridor » initiative and continue to support them in events such as the one held last Friday in Barcelona’s Plaça Universitat: « Labyrinth of delays ».

The #QuieroCorredor movement, promoted by the Valencian Business Association (AVE), continues to work to raise awareness of the need to complete the Mediterranean Corridor. This event, which has brought together prominent business and civil society leaders, aims to raise awareness of the need to complete the Corridor to improve both the economy and tourism in the country.

On this occasion, as in previous events, signatures have been collected in support of the cause and it has been highlighted that the Mediterranean Corridor accounts for almost 50% of GDP, 50% of exports, 63% of maritime port traffic and 50% of the attraction of foreign tourists.

Betting on the Mediterranean Corridor is betting on the connection and the structuring of Spain for the benefit of everyone


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