Media publish our 2023 results


Our 2023 accounts have been published by the Commercial Registry and were immediately picked up by several media organisations. In this financial year we have continued our line of growth and we have made progress in our objectives of increasing production, generating more employment and improving our sustainability.

In 2023 we have reached €1.47 billion in turnover, growing by 21%, and we now have 40% of our own pigs (all with animal welfare certification) thanks to the incorporation of the Livestock Production Division (Pig Livestock Union) into the Group. Our beef slaughtering, cutting, slicing and packaging centre, Fricafor, also joined Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods. This year we have continued to increase our sustainability, reducing consumption, improving the management of waste and plastics, obtaining new certifications, starting new projects, etc.

Many thanks to all our staff, collaborators, partners…


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