We are participating once again in the “Fòrum Industrial de Girona” promoted by the Polytechnic School of the UdG


On 27th and 28th April we will participate in the industrial and agri-food employment guidance days of the “Fòrum Industrial de Girona”.

The Industrial Forum is a job placement event where companies, search groups, university students and associations come together in the same space to establish working and professional relationships and to promote connections and knowledge transfer.



It is a great opportunity for companies to make themselves known in general and for the activity they carry out and to look for young talent that could join their activity in the near future. On the other hand, it is also a great opportunity for young students, as they can make themselves known to all the different companies according to their preferences and can start looking for an idyllic job related to their studies, where they can start their professional career when they have not yet finished their training. This year, with 19 years of experience, is the 23⁰ edition of this Forum and it will be held in person again after two online editions.

In this 23⁰ edition, in order to guarantee the success of previous editions, the Girona Industrial Forum will involve more than 60 different companies and the participation of more than 2,000 students.

This forum is organised by stands (online in the pandemic years) where the different companies are located to allow easy access to all students. On the other hand, the event also organises lectures and activities to promote networking and knowledge transition.


One of the Forum’s constant supporters, which should be highlighted due to their involvement and because they are the driving force behind the project, is the Polytechnic School of the University of Girona, an institution with which we also collaborate periodically and in different areas at Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods.

We are committed to providing young people with access to the world of work. Come and meet us!


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