#CreuRojaRESPON thank you event, reminder of how our help can save lives


During the pandemic, hundreds of companies in Catalonia, including Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods, joined the “Cruz Roja” initiative #CreuRojaRESPON, a project that sought to support hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people and families during the pandemic. On behalf of all the group’s employees, we would like to return the precious thanks they gave yesterday, 16 November, in their act of appreciation for all the collaborating companies.  We must thank the work carried out by the “Creu Roja a Catalunya” and the “Cruz Roja Española”, in this initiative and in the different ones we are joining, trying to help the maximum number of people and defend as many just causes as possible.

At the “Cruz Roja” event, you could enjoy live music, interesting speeches, a thank you speech by the people in charge of the organisation and images of how this project, with the help of different participating companies, has helped to save lives.

If you want to enjoy the event, you can see the programme at the following link: Acte agraïment empreses #CreuRojaRESPON

Trying to help the maximum number of people and defend as many just causes as possible


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