Grup Cañigueral – Vall Companys alliance to purchase together Leridana de Piensos


Grup Cañigueral, which operates under the Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods brand, and Vall Companys have agreed to purchase the company Leridana de Piensos through the joint venture Pig Livestock Union SL, in which each party holds 60% and 40% of the shares respectively.

The one million porks produced annually by Leridana de Piensos will be destined entirely to the production chain of Grup Cañigueral, which continues to expand its vertical integration with the leading company in livestock production in our country, thus gaining a partner that was a pioneer in the verticalisation process.  The acquired company also has a slaughterhouse and cutting plant in Vallfogona de Balaguer and a feed plant in Alcoletge, both in the province of Lleida.

Leridana de Piensos is now undergoing a due diligence process, prior to the definitive purchase deed, which is expected to be signed in approximately two months.


The one million porks produced annually by Leridana de Piensos will be destined entirely to the production chain of Grup Cañigueral


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