Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods grows by 21% and reaches a turnover of 1.47 billion euros


At Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods we have increased our turnover in 2023 by 21% over the previous year, reaching 1.47 billion euros thanks to the increase in sales in all our divisions and the incorporation of the companies Pig Livestock Union (parent company of the Livestock Production division) and Fricafor (beef slaughter, quartering, cutting and packaging) into the balance sheet.

With regard to the Livestock Division, we have grown in the number and capacity of our own and integrated farms, which has allowed us to reach 40% of own pigs and to set a target for 2025-26 of 60-65%. All own pigs are certified in Animal Welfare.

As for the industrial divisions, the Fresh and Frozen Meat Division accounted for 51% of the total turnover, the Processed Meat Division 25% and the Cured Meat division 24%.

In terms of geographical areas, 57% of our production was destined for the domestic market and 43% for export (25% EU and 18% rest of the world).

Our industrial investments have exceeded €32M in 2023, reaching €110M in the last four years, destined to the renewal of industrial equipment to achieve greater efficiency in production and improvements in sustainability.

As for our team, we have reached almost 4,000 people (3,934), which is almost 5% more than the previous year, and 96% of them have permanent contracts.

In sustainability we have reduced -18.8% our own carbon footprint, scope 1 and 2, and we have calculated scope 3 (value chain). We have reduced the consumption of water (-10.3%), electricity (-5.3%) and gas (-16.1%) per unit of product. The reduction of plastic has reached -6% and in terms of waste reduction we have obtained Zero Waste certification, which guarantees that 94% of our waste is destined for sustainable purposes (segregation, reduction, recycling and reuse).

The 2023 balance sheet is published in the Companies Register of Girona and you can access our Corporate Report at the following link.

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