Doing a Croking at the 22⁰ dinner of the AECOC congress


The AECOC Congress was once again a success as it is every year. On this occasion we were „doing a Croking“ with all the congress participants who attended the event so that they could try one of our star products in such a suitable environment. Our croquettes got very good reviews from the diners, who were able to enjoy our varieties of spinach, ham, cod, squid and chicken, marinated with their corresponding creams that we worked on for the occasion, and also our gluten-free croquettes. This 22⁰ edition was held on 15 and 16 March.

„Haz un Croking“ is a campaign with a quality product, signature croquettes made with fresh, noble raw materials and with authentic, freshly made béchamel sauce to achieve the best possible end result.

They are made without added sugars, colourings or flavourings and you will also find a gluten-free option for these delicacies.

They are available at all major national and international retailers, for example (own brand or private label) at Mercadona, Lidl, Aldi, Froiz and Ahorramás in Spain and at Carrefour and Intermarché in France.


Find them and try them in your supermarket!
Find out for yourself why they are a hit on every table!

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