La Creu Roja a Catalunya gives us the Impartiality Award


At its #ElValordelesEmpreses event, La Creu Roja a Catalunya awarded 7 companies for their initiative and commitment to the development of a fairer and more caring world, linked to its fundamental principles, and gave us the award for Impartiality.

At Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods we are nearly 4,000 people of 50 different nationalities and from almost all cultures and religions, united to achieve the same purpose: to produce food of the highest quality, balanced and healthy, made with sustainability and adapted to the tastes and needs of the consumer. We see it as our long-term responsibility to join our mission with the laudable work of the Red Cross.

This meeting brought together some of the main institutions that work with the Red Cross, and are aligned with its sustainable development objectives. From here we would like to mention the other recognised institutions: the Col-legi d’Òptics i Optometristes de Catalunya, the Fundacion Vision, Essity Spain, Cotecnica, Amazon, Valero Forn Tradicional and Unilever.

Together we are better!

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